Monday, May 11, 2009

What does the song our song by taylor swift mean?

What does the song OUR SONG by Taylor Swift mean?

What does the song our song by taylor swift mean?
The song Our Song is talking about a relationship she was in and those sounds that she used in the chorus were what they associated their relationship with.
Reply:its about a relationship. it explains different things that happened like sneaking out, tappingon the window, and talking on the phone really slow because its late and the parents dont know
Reply:how a cute/nice relationship go
Reply:its to remind you how good her "relationship" with a random made up person who she feels obligated to write an album about....jkjk idk but that's true though.....
Reply:Simply referring to a time shared between two hearts~ the song that brings both back to a time only they can reflect upon~
Reply:idk. but i %26lt;3333 it!!
Reply:it just a cute song talkin about their relationship with sumone u care about^-^ lol, my guess anyway
Reply:it's just talking about how much she loves this man and she wants them to have something special just for them but then realizes that every second they spend together is their something special that nobody else will have it. it's their "song".
Reply:It's about how they may not haveparticular song about their relationship thatsbut the little things like slammin screen door and talking real slow is all the little sounds that make up a song about them
Reply:its just explaining how cute a good relationship goes.
Reply:i think it means that you sould spend time with you lover.. and tell them if something i bothering them and even if you don;t have a song then.. that's ok..
Reply:i think it means that her and her lover have a good relationship but they didnt have a song so at the end of the song, she wrote down our song
Reply:it is an explination of a girl and guys relationship.... the girl want to know their song.. and the boy tells her that it is the noises that they go throw during the day(the slaming screen doors, sneaking out late tapping on your window. when we're on the phone and you talk real slow because it's late and your mama don't know...) %26lt;3 i love Our Song!!!!
Reply:It about a girl and she wants to have a song. so she asked him and he told her that the song was a slammin screen doors sneaking out late-ect. He is trying to explain that the song is awesome. Its not really a song but the song talor swift sings Our Song, is their song. Hope i tried to make things easier to understand, but its kind of difficult to explain.

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Reply:that they didnt have a sog. but then she wrote one for them. hope i helped
Reply:Oh jeez another shot.........

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